Monday, February 22, 2010

Displaying Progress

For any goal to be achieved you need to periodically assess your current progress. When you were in elementary school collecting box tops, or in boy\girl scouts selling cookies\pizza's\whatever the current fund raiser was, it seems someone would almost always make a poster board thermometer with some method to indicate how much progress had been made and what was left to be done.

I wanted to do something similar but this being the internet age and all, poster board just wouldn't do. So I setup an Excel spreadsheet to track my daily progress and since posting a bunch of figures each day would be difficult to read and boring, instead I developed the thermometer graph you can see to the left.

As of today I have achieved 9.56% of my goal and there are 94 days remaining.

You can help this percentage grow by supporting my blog and inviting as many people as you can to visit and support also. If you are interested in directly supporting you could consider investing in shares. Each share is $4. So far 75 shares have been sold, there are 1425 remaining.


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