Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Poker Discussion Group

I don't know about the rest of you but I really don't like the poker forums that are out there.

You can post a question and all you get is 10,000 flaming replies when what you need is advice on how to play K J Suited from late position. Half saying how stupid you are for playing K J in the first place and the other half criticizing how you decided to play it (didn't raise enough, raised too much, called after an Ace hit the flop, folded when you had middle or low pair), lots of criticism, but not much help. When it is all said and done you get a headache but no help in learning how to play K J Suited from late position.

So by request only, I am going to convert my blog into a pseudo discussion forum. For a maximum of 100 people I will grant publish permissions so that you can enter your own posts. Questions about hands, bad beat stories, where to play and how to get the most out of your poker budget.

There will be some rules. No Advertisements. No Cheating (Especially No Collusion), I don't want anything to do with anyone who cheats at cards. No flaming. If you flame someone you will be out.

To request an invite send me an email to crazyvegasnights@gmail.com. I will add you as an author (just so you know you will need to create a google account to be able to log in and post) and we can open a dialog about all things poker and in the process maybe we can all become better, poker players.
